Fortis Secure File Transfer Software FAQs

Everything You Need To Know So You can Unlock Everything The Fortis Web App Has To Offer ASAP.

General FAQs

What is data assurance?

Data assurance refers to the process of ensuring the accuracy, reliability, integrity, and availability of data within an organization or system. It involves implementing measures and practices to guarantee that data is properly collected, stored, processed, and transmitted in a secure and consistent manner while minimizing the risks associated with errors, inconsistencies, unauthorized access, and data loss.

Why is data assurance important?

Data assurance supports the overall success, sustainability, and resilience of organizations in a data-driven world. Data assurance directly impacts the accuracy and reliability of information used for decision-making - therefore, it’s critical that there are measures in place to ensure that data consumed is accurate, up-to-date, and of high quality. In addition, data assurance helps to identify incidents such as data breaches, cyberattacks, and reinforces trustworthiness.

What is secure file transfer software?

Secure file transfer software, like FORTIS, is a specialized tool designed to transfer files and data securely between users, devices, or servers. It employs encryption and other security protocols to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the files being transferred, ensuring they remain safe from unauthorized access or interception.

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger technology that records transactions across multiple computers in a way that ensures transparency, security, and immutability. Think of each transaction as a block that contains data, and these blocks are linked together in chronological order, forming a chain. Blockchain’s key benefits include decentralization (not owned or controlled by one single entity), transparency (transactions are publicly recorded and verifiable), and immutable (permanent and uneditable).

How does FORTIS ensure data security?

FORTIS secure file transfer software uses strong encryption algorithms to encode the data being transmitted, making it unreadable to anyone without the proper decryption keys. Additionally, it often employs secure communication protocols such as SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), FTPS (FTP Secure), or HTTPS to establish secure connections between the sender and the recipient

How is FORTIS different from Dropbox, Google Drive, or other file storage systems?


Where these programs simply store your data and allow you to share it with others, there’s no notification that your file has been received or assurance that the files haven’t been changed or shared with unauthorized parties. FORTIS offers a secure, end-to-end file transfer solution that uses blockchain and encryption to protect your data, notifies you in real-time if your data has been changed or manipulated, and provides an audit trail for your data for transparent and trusted transactions.

What’s wrong with using email attachments to send files?


Although email attachments are often used to transmit data, they are highly susceptible to data breaches and data leakage. As a result, email is NOT sufficient for data that fuels business, like sensitive data and intellectual property. However, by safeguarding data, detecting manipulation, and establishing provenance, FORTIS mitigates these risks.

Will you have access to my data?


FORTIS will not have access to your data. The application will only know the size of the file and the sending and receiving accounts.

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Functionality FAQs

What types of files can be transferred with this software?


Secure file transfer software can handle various types of files, including documents, images, videos, audio files, databases, and more. It is suitable for both small and large files, ensuring data integrity regardless of the file size. In short, FORTIS should be used to send anything that you wouldn’t want someone other than the intended receiver to see - including intellectual property, personal information, financial records, computer code, and more!

Is FORTIS easy to use?


Our secure file transfer software is designed to be user-friendly. The interfaces are intuitive, making it easy for users to upload, download, and manage files securely without requiring advanced technical skills.

Can I transfer files to multiple recipients simultaneously?


Unlike email attachments, FORTIS offers a file transfer solution that is secure and traceable from end to end. Therefore, FORTIS was developed to securely send files to just one recipient at a time.

Is there a file size limit for transfers?


Currently, FORTIS users can transfer files of up to 9 GB.

Can I track the progress of file transfers?


Yes, FORTIS provides real-time status updates on file transfers, allowing you to monitor the progress and ensure successful completion.

How will a recipient know I’ve sent them a file through FORTIS?


Once you have initiated your file transfer, your intended recipient will receive an email notifying them that they have received a secure file transfer. This email will include a link that prompts them to create a free account (if they’re a first time user) or login to their existing account (if they already have a free or paid account.)

What happens if a file transfer is interrupted or fails?


In case of a transfer interruption or failure, the customer should start a new transfer. If the error persists after multiple attempts, the customer should immediately contact our Customer Experience Team at

Is the file transfer process auditable?


Yes, FORTIS maintains detailed logs of file transfer activities, including timestamps, sender and recipient information, and any access attempts, which can be useful for compliance and security purposes. That record is permanent on the blockchain.

Is the file transfer process encrypted end-to-end?


FORTIS leverages blockchain technology and employs end-to-end encryption, meaning the files are encrypted during transmission and remain encrypted until the authorized recipient decrypts them. This ensures data remains secure throughout the entire transfer process.

Can FORTIS see my files?


No, FORTIS cannot see or access any data provided during file transfer. Files transferred are only accessible by the intended recipient.

Technical FAQs

How do I access Fortis?


Fortis currently only functions on laptops or desktop computers running the latest browsers.

What should I do if a transfer is declined?


If your transfer is declined, first check with the recipient to understand why they declined it. If the decline was unintentional, you'll need to resend the file. Please note that resending the file will use an additional transfer credit.

What should I do if a transfer status is in red color?


If the transfer status appears in red and you're unsure why, please create a support ticket with our Fortis support team. Include the transfer status details and any other relevant information for a clearer understanding of the issue. Our team will assist you in resolving the problem promptly. Support

Does FORTIS integrate with other applications?


FORTIS offers a wide variety of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow you to integrate the secure file transfer functionality with other applications and workflows within your organization. To learn more about our integration partners or to become a partner, click here

Account FAQs

Does a recipient have to register for an account to receive a file from me?


Yes, your file recipient will have to use the link in the file received email notification to create a new free account if they are a first time user, or log into an existing account (either free or paid) if they are already in the system. However, receiving files is always free.

Can my recipient send files back to me without paying for an account?


No, to send files a paid account is required.